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Guide For Parents

It’s true that this is one of your bravest choices and, sure, the most important one for your child. Your child will have access to top-notch faculty, a top-notch education, and a global perspective if they study abroad. It is your duty as a parent to assist your child in making this choice. Prepare to join us on this rewarding trip.

Discuss money with them

Travel expenses can add up, particularly in locations where the value of the local currency is higher than that of your native currency. Ensure that you and your pupil are aware of the exchange rate and how it could alter if they use their credit card or obtain money from a bank instead of the airport window.
Additionally, discuss credit card costs with them. There are certain cards without foreign transaction fees. For those who do, however, the costs can mount up rapidly. Every time they use their card to make a purchase, make a withdrawal, etc., they will be billed.
Additionally, you can assist them by giving them budget advice and teaching them sound money management techniques for their time overseas.
Calculator and savings

Assist them in remaining safe

Depending on their prior travel experience, your student could require some coaching regarding living abroad. Keep in mind that even seasoned tourists can need a little guidance; after all, a two-week trip is not the same as six months or more spent living abroad.

Two females checking globe

Assist them in selecting their study abroad clothing.

Make sure your student has all the necessary information in mind, including their laptop, prescriptions, proper attire, and vital documents (such as their passport, study abroad documentation, proof of insurance, and visa).

You may want to make sure they have the appropriate kind of attire, but they don’t have to pack their entire closet—more on that below. Consider the climate they’ll experience, the events they have planned, and the local way of life. Depending on cultural traditions, headscarves, long pants, and closed-toe shoes may be necessary.

Plan a visit

Depending on how long they’ve been studying abroad and whether your student is willing to host you, this can be a fantastic chance for you to go on your own holiday.

However, don’t leave until after they’ve been studying overseas for a few months. Before you arrive and everyone reverts to their previous patterns, you want them to have had enough time to immerse themselves and establish their own routines. Additionally, waiting allows them to become familiar with their host nation and city, enabling them to properly introduce their new residence. Imagine how wonderful it will be to have a personal guide show you around like a local.

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